Healthy Eating + Nutrition

food for thought

Indulge with balance: Know that healthy holiday eating is possible in moderation

5 Healthy Eating Habits for the Holidays: Indulge with Balance

If you’d like to ‘win’ over the indulgence that this time of year can bring, it’s so important to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you get through the holiday season guilt-free. Use these 5 practices to help you indulge with balance.

Hand portion control for a vegetarian healthy plate - using hand measurement for food.

Plant Based Eaters: Helpful Tips To Transform Your Body with Hand Portion Control

You can lose weight or gain muscle without counting calories! It’s not just about the math; it’s about portion size. Get your hands on this simple hand portions method for plant based eaters.

How to build a thriving life - 10 tips for healthy Thanksgiving dinner

10 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and if you’re like me, you might be stressing about how to maintain your healthy lifestyle during a time of indulgence. Don’t worry, here’s 10 tips for a thriving Thanksgiving.

Easy Thanksgiving recipe swaps and cooking hacks to lighten up the biggest meal of the year.

5 Simple and Easy Thanksgiving Recipe Swaps and More

While there’s nothing wrong with indulging, there are some simple swaps you can make to save calories, reduce sugar, and cut fat without sacrificing flavor. Make a few of these easy Thanksgiving recipe swaps, and you’ll be satisfied without being stuffed!

How to avoid craving holiday candy while still enjoying sweets n’ treats with the family

Sweets n’ Treats: Can’t Stop Eating Desserts? Make Peace With Holiday Treats

Holiday sweets n’ treats are here! Cue the struggle to not let all the candy and desserts control you (and your kids too!) What to do? Is there a way to have treats in the house and still keep your self-control? The best solution for you and your kids might look a little different than you think.

Portion size for healthy foods converted to healthy portions measured by hand size

Healthy Portions: Your hand size can tell you how much to eat

Using hand portions to choose serving sizes is all the rage these days. But how does it work? Is it reliable? Is it effective at helping you lose/maintain weight? And is it worth the effort?

Grill roasted vegetables -The best vegetables to grill together

Grill Roasted Vegetables – keep the heat out of the kitchen!

Say goodbye to oven-roasted and hello to grill-roasted vegetables. Keep your house cool and get the most out of fresh produce with this outdoor cooking method.

Are there frozen keto meals that work for keto meal planning?

Keto Meal Planning for busy people – Keto Frozen Meals Product Reviews

When you have 99 problems and carbs are all of them 😂 Check out how you can mix in 5 fast, on the go and frozen keto meals to your meal plan to get you through the work week.

High blood pressure levels are often referred to as a silent killer because it shows no symptoms until damage is done

High Blood Pressure Levels… IS IT A SILENT KILLER?

High blood pressure levels can damage your heart, lungs, eyes, brain, and kidney without showing any warning signs. What can you do about it?

Eating crickets for protein is but one of the benefits of cricket protein powder. Farming insects for human consumption maximizes crop yields and global food security.

9 Benefits of Cricket Protein Powder, and Why You Should Try It

WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE…. NOT LIKE BUGS! Cricket powder blends its flavour well with other ingredients without being overpowering. It tastes slightly nutty with an earthy flavour.

Women who feel good in their own skin, featuring their “imperfections” and “insecurities,” holding signs that read Love Your Body

Reject Diet Culture For Good And Reclaim Your Self-Worth

Many people are unaware of why diet culture is toxic and of its long-lasting adverse effects. The good news is that there is a better way and a non-diet path that leads away from the oppression of diet culture.

Promo graphic for article on dinner meal planning- horizontal

Meal Planning: One Small Step for Dinner, One Giant Leap for Healthier Eating

Meal planning can be beneficial to your long-term health goals. But how do you make it simple enough that you’ll show up to do it every week?

Healthy gardening in an urban setting - Beginner garden tips

Healthy Gardening for Absolute Beginners: Create Your Urban Vegetable Garden in a Weekend

Healthy Gardening – Garden tips for vegetables to take you from soil to your kitchen table. Plan, prepare, and grow a successful harvest anywhere.

Diverse group of adults outdoors preparing food for game day. Grilling, smiling and having drinks.

How To Win On Game Day With Healthy Tailgating

Don’t let the game mess up your health plan. From alcohol to healthy tailgating food, this article has you covered.

How to make a healthy balanced meal on the grill

Healthier BBQ, Burgers and Hot Dogs

Standard cookout menus can make for very UNbalanced meals. So does that mean no more burgers and hot dogs?! Nah. Let’s look at ways to have our ‘burgs AND a balance in our summer meals with these healthier BBQ ideas.

Finding the right portion size for what you need at each meal

How To Get Started with Hand Portion Sizes

Knowing what portion size is right for you is as important as what you eat. Maybe even more important. Size matters.