Healthstyles FYI

podcast segments

Shifting the conversation about health away from shallow aesthetic values and unsustainable behaviors toward Deep Health benefits that help you thrive in all aspects of your life, which have a really cool way of bringing a heck of a lot of joy into your life.

Healthstyles FYI podcast on the benefits of practicing kindness

How Practicing Kindness Can Help You Create Healthy Habits

By Balanced Healthstyles

Discover how practicing kindness can help you make healthy habits stick. Uncover the transformative power of self-compassion and how it can bring about positive and lasting change in your life.

Healthstyles.FYI Myth busting healthy habits and reframing healthy lifestyles in real life.

Myth busting: Reframing Healthy Habits to Work in Your Real Life

By Balanced Healthstyles

Let go of harmful messages from diet culture and the fitness industry. It’s time to do a bit of myth busting so you can let go of the idea that there’s a “right” way to be healthy and start embracing your own unique journey as you create your healthy habits.

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